School-day Q+A

What is School-Day?

School-Day is an online cashless system for use by parents, teachers and office administrative staff. We are implementing School-Day to minimize the handling of cash

by students, teachers and office staff, to reduce paper, and to streamline office efficiencies.

What’s in it for parents?

School-Day can be accessed via either a web browser or their progressive web app, and gives parents real-time, secure access to up-to-date information, and gives schools the ability to allows their parents to:

  • Complete online payments for trips or other activities
  • Avoid the risks associated with sending money to school with your child
  • Approve permission forms instantly online
  • Reduce the environmental impact of photocopying permission forms and announcements
  • Sign up for parent/teacher interviews
  • Register your child for extra-curricular events
  • Update your mobile device with calendar events specific to your child

Once you register, you can choose to purchase the items or activities using a debit or credit card. You will be able to see when the school has a new item posted online for purchase and you will also have the option to be notified whenever your child has a new school event requiring payment.

How can I sign up for my child’s School-Day account?

Parents/Guardians must create an account, and link their child to their account. Multiple parents/guardians can be linked to the same student, and multiple students can be linked to a parent/guardian. (Sign-in/sign-up for School-Day or for mobile users)

To link your child to your account:

        1. Using a secure-match key code, which can be produced by the office staff at your child’s school.

Is School-Day CASL-compliant?

Yes, School-Day is CASL-compliant. Because parents have signed up to have School-Day send them information on behalf of the school, the CASL regulations have been followed.

Parents have the ability to opt out of School-Day emails at any time by adjusting their preferences in school-day.

  • To adjust your settings or change your personal information, log in to school-day and select Edit My Account from the left side menu.
Can I email my child’s teacher through School-Day?

No, School-Day only supports one-way communication – from the school/teacher to parents. If you need to speak with your child’s teacher, please contact your teacher directly.

Is there an additional cost when purchasing items online?

Schools set the same price for events and items whether individuals are making purchases online or paying by cash/cheque. Included within the event or item amount is a cost recovery component which covers fees charged by credit card companies or e-transfer as well as the cost of the secure online portal.